Heathlands Care Home, Bracknell

The design and construction of a new, much needed, specialist care home for vulnerable people in Bracknell.

CLIENT: Bracknell Forest Council
VALUE: £9.1 million

This £9.1 million dementia care home provides nursing and specialist dementia care at Cross Fell, Bracknell. The new facility will provide 66 beds offering a mix of long-term elderly mentally infirm (EMI) and short-term nursing and rehabilitation care.

46 beds are for EMI Bracknell Forest residents requiring nursing and rehabilitation care from the wider East Berkshire community, including patients who have an acute episode.

The building is split between two, three storey accommodation wings and a four floor central core that incorporates staff accommodation, kitchens, nurse stations and multi-functioning rooms.

The building is a brick/block envelope that encases a re-enforced concrete central core.
The works also included the demolition of the existing building which was a complex process as it contained asbestos, bats, and nesting birds.