Stepnell’s commitment to social value and our engagement with the communities we work in are a fundamental part of Stepnell ethos. 

You will be assigned a dedicated social value manager, based within your local area, who works with you to understand your specific focus areas.

Social value managers have undertaken research on local areas using data available from Office of National Statistics (ONS), Local Enterprise Partnerships, local government strategy documents and information shared by clients to identify areas of need. We then implement project specific social value action plans with clear project targets, measured using National TOMs proxies.

Addressing the needs of your local area based around four key objectives to:

  • Promote local skills and employment
  • Support the growth of responsible regional business
  • Help create healthier, safer and more resilient communities 
  • Decarbonise and safeguard our world

Aiming high, your local community will benefit from a targeted social value strategy . The target is made up of commitments utilising a local supply chain, within 30 miles of the site, working with Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations, providing employability and careers support to local education and training providers, providing work experience and training opportunities on site, volunteer time in the local community, car sharing and waste reduction schemes.

We can evidence our approach through achieving 100% of our social value KPIs on our frameworks.

Working with Stepnell has been an excellent example of collaborative approach to design and construction where the designers and the contractor have worked in partnership to take a pro-active approach to problem solving and prevention. Stepnell has worked hard to maintain the original design intent and client’s vision for a social care building that provides outstanding facilities and care for an extremely vulnerable client group.

– Retirement Living & Senior Care Lead IBI Group

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Expertise at Every Level

We recognise the value of specialist expertise at every level of our business, from board room to site management, to supply chain. We nurture talent and emphasise consistency so our clients benefit from proven experience

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